The Business Conversation

Episode 24 - All You Need To Know About Digital Transformation with Jim Cuene

Episode Summary

This episode of The Business Conversation Podcast features Jim Cuene, the founder and CEO of Fahren LLC. Jim is in the business of supporting organizations that are looking to evolve and improve their operations, and is very astute in observing how the business environment is constantly changing at a rapid rate. In this episode, Jim talks about the relationship of technology and businesses, and how the emergence of new platforms, especially technology has led to the rise of new ways of monetization. In this regard, Jim also gives strategic advice for organizations that may want to enter these new and potentially lucrative spaces and why basic good management practices are still relevant.

Episode Notes



Jim: "Every experience that we have with Amazon or Apple or Starbucks sort of sets the bar for what every other company should aspire to. Because we all sort of expect things to be as easy as our easiest experience. We want it to be that way all the time."

Jim: "The big macro shift is going from a really polished, really professional look as a way to communicate credibility, to looking more home made as a way of communicating either a different kind of credibility, or a little bit of anti-establishment."

Jim: "The algorithms of Tiktok, short attention spans, it's kind of a self-perpetuating thing. The creator economy, the expression format, and reels and stories and Tiktok and elsewhere, plus short attention span, plus the algorithms that push it in front of you, plus the never-ending scroll. Brands have to look and act and feel different to kind of stop the scrolling. 

Garrio: "It was much easier back in the day. You could make it a conscious choice to pick up one book versus another. To choose to consume this piece of literature, piece of writing to either be inspired or educated, or this is too far out of my left field, I'm not gonna read it kind of thing. And it was easier to stop. The same idea of exchange of knowledge, exchange of ideas is happening today with new technology. The difference is, it's so frictionless." 

Jim: "When in doubt, listen. For most leaders, listen to your consumer, listen to what the people closest to the consumer are saying about the consumer's needs, wants, and intent. Listen to the salespeople that are in the market and try not to presuppose that you know what is happening." 

Jim: "Pay attention to the basics of communication wherever possible. Are we clear about the problem we're trying to solve? Are we  clear about the choices that we're trying to make? Are  we clear about the decisions that we've made? Have we clearly communicated those? Does everyone understand the impact on the priorities?"

Jim: "Be kind to the people, especially now. I think everyone is at their wits end. I think everyone is just barely hanging on. I don't know everyone that is really happy with how work is now. Providing a little bit of grace, a little bit of kindness, assuming positive intent is really helpful."

Follow the link below to learn more about Jim Cuene:

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Curious, a group of B2B marketers helping their clients define a conversation that is unique, relevant, and honest with their ideal customers. They then help their clients find their ideal audience to start the conversation by pushing content through the most efficient channels, whether that be traditional or digital.